Event Details
Expect Great Things to Happen: Five Core Principles for Performance Success
Date: | October 26, 2022, 8:00am |
Organizer: | Nevada State SHRM Council |
Location: | https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpfuqtrzwuHtWJZ_EYw51EDgQIXwgFruAa |
Price: | FREE for SHRM members |
Event Type: | Nevada State SHRM Council Event |
iCal link | Add to Calendar |
The Nevada State SHRM Council is hosting Member Appreciation Professional Development Event: "Expect Great Things to Happen: Five Core Principles for Performance Success," on October 25, 2022, from 8:00 am – 9:30 am PT via Zoom.
This event is FREE for Nevada SHRM members.
Presenting speaker RICHARD D. MARKS: Richard D. Marks offers a valuable toolkit of perspectives and methods for becoming an effective HR leader, with an emphasis on improving people skills and relationships - both at work and home. His engaging, down-to-earth style, peppered with honest personal anecdotes that range from "oh no" to hilarious, makes the concepts he explores easy to absorb. Psychologists have proven the most crucial factor in your success and well-being is not your intelligence, education, or physical assets but how effective you are with people. Learn techniques to improve communication and relationship-building skills, enhance professionalism, increase confidence in various business situations and understand your team dynamics.
Program Overview: HR leaders have the responsibility to not only articulate the organization’s strategy but are also tasked with the implementation and execution of the vision set forth by their superiors. In most cases, the organization’s goals and initiatives are established with little to no input from the employee population. Yet, the HR team supporting middle managers must ensure the short/long-term goals of the organization are met. HR leaders have an enormous impact on employee retention and engagement and set the tone for the culture of the organization.
This course is intended for HR managers and practitioners who want to build effective work groups and win with people at work.
Many HR managers focus on other talents and abilities first- such as polishing their communication or leadership skills or taking courses to expand their base of knowledge- but they forget that good relationship are the foundation for achievement. Winning with People will provide you with the tools you need to immediately improve your existing relationships as well as cultivate strong, exciting, and new ones to drive organizational performance. Using a unique blend of interesting facts, statistics, humor, real-life examples, and questions for discussion, “Expect Great Things to Happen: Five Core Principles for performance success” will show you how.
This program has been submitted for 1.0 HRCI General and 1.0 SHRM-CP recertification credits.