SHRM Foundation
The SHRM Foundation was founded in 1966 as a 501 (c)(3) not-for-profit affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). It is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors from the HR profession, including academics, practitioners and representatives from SHRM. The Foundation funds research, publications and education to advance the HR profession and enhance the effectiveness of HR professionals. To support its important work, the SHRM Foundation conducts an annual fundraising campaign. All contributions to the Foundation are tax-deductible.
The Foundation promotes research, innovation and the use of research-based knowledge. With an annual budget of approximately $1 million, it funds major research projects that have a direct and practical impact in advancing the HR profession. The Foundation puts out RFP's to the research community and then evaluates the research proposals it receives. Using its "LIVE" criteria: L-Leverage, I-Impact, V-Visibility, E-Enhances the profession, the Foundation selects projects to fund.
The Foundation also funds practical publications on specific issues such as the highly acclaimed book, Making Mergers Work: The Strategic Importance of People and the new DVD Fueling the Talent Engine; Finding and Keeping High Performers. Other Foundation projects include educational scholarships, the Effective Practice Guidelines series, and online directories of undergraduate and masters degree programs in human resource management.
The SHRM Foundation maximizes the impact of the HR profession on organizational decision-making and performance by promoting innovation, education, research, and the use of research-based knowledge.
- Objective: The SHRM Foundation will be a preeminent broker/source of valued research knowledge.
- Objective: The SHRM Foundation will broaden the understanding and application of research-based knowledge and techniques to the HR professional.
- Objective: The SHRM Foundation will make research-based knowledge accessible and actionable for the HR profession.
- Objective: The SHRM Foundation will develop and nurture funding sources for the Foundation's work.